The all rods of the Taida crankshafts are forging. The forging material, the different organization of the metal would be durable than the usually one.
( BWS100 ロングクランク )
BWS100-030 original crank shaft (47.6 mm )
YAMAHA BWS 100 stroke extended crankshaft
BWS100-030100 1000 microns stroke extended crankshaft (48.6mmForging)
BWS100-030150 1500 microns stroke extended crankshaft (49.1mmForging)
BWS100-030420 4200 microns stroke extended crankshaft (51.8mmForging)
BWS100-030520 5200 microns stroke extended crankshaft (52.8mm,Forging)
Motorcycle parts, performance engine, complete engine parts